Sustainable Tips for Your Daily Routine

Our sustainable drops for you 😀


Everybody can be sustainable starting from the little things we do every day. Daily gestures that represent a first step to change and reduce our environmental footprint. For example, we can buy less and prefer products that respect us and the planet, putting into practice simple daily swaps to better habits. We can reuse our things several times, and try to repair them before throwing everything away. With our creativity, we can rethink their function and reuse what we already have in other ways. And when we just can’t use it anymore, we can recycle it.


This E-book collects 25 swaps that you can easily apply to your daily routine. What is a swap? A simple change. A small turning point, to change the world one step at a time.
Discover some suggestions you may not know yet.

We hope you enjoy it!

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