Is it possible that the struggle to fight world hunger can go hand in hand with marine conservation? Marine biologist Jackie Savitz thinks it can and she is passionate that saving the seas is not only an ecological or economic pursuit, it can really feed the world.
In this interesting TED conference Jackie Savitz, vice president for US Oceans at Oceana, explains why she thinks that by adopting fishery management practices in at least 10 to 25 countries, we will be able to feed as many as 700 million people a year.
She points out three basic rules to bring fisheries back:
– Set quotas
– Reduce bycatch (accidental catching and killing of fish that it is not targeted)
– Protect habitats that are needed for the growth and reproduction of fish
With our common Healthy Seas initiative, we share with Ms Savitz the struggle for a safer and cleaner marine environment free from ghost nets and better managed by wise fishing communities and fish farmers.
Here also a summary in a very clear infographic.