Long before it was one of the most popular hashtags, the climate change movement was already winning its cover on Time magazine, and a silent but powerful revolution was starting.
It was 1988; more precisely the 23rd of June. James Hansen, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, spoke to the U.S. Senate committee and explained that he was 99% sure of a real tendency toward global warming and that this process was connected to human activities.
In the same month, more than 300 international scientists and policymakers from 46 countries met in Toronto for a historic worldwide conference on the changing atmosphere. This was the second seminal moment in putting climate change on the global agenda that year.
Because of these two events taking place in very short time, Time magazine selected as the “men of the year” for their cover: The Endangered Earth.
30 years have gone by, and the climate change movement is still and maybe more on the agenda today thanks to the 17 UN sustainable development goals that are inspiring the conversations around the topic and all the issues related to it. But it all started in 1988, and now is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the past 30 years. Check what we have achieved and what we need to change, and ignite more strength into the movement.
Happy birthday to all #Climatechange fighters!
Here is how Aquafil with ECONYL® is addressing the Sustainable Development Goals.